校友奖得主 | Blog | 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app


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每年的返校节, 在校友晚宴上, 新濠天地app新濠天地app表彰一些为新濠天地app做出杰出贡献的校友, 社区, 和上帝. There are three specific types of awards that can be awarded.  

Young 校友奖得主 

今年,约书亚. Ehko '19, MAHE '23, 迈克尔R. 17岁的科尔尼,丽贝卡·M. 洛克20, MBA '22 each received the Young 校友 Award, 表彰在过去十年内从新濠天地app大学毕业并在其教会中表现出杰出服务和领导才能的校友, 职业生涯, 和社区. 

st和ard-webpage-in-text-image.jpg约书亚米. Ehko has been involved with serving 新濠天地app大学 for eight years. He was a student for four of those, then after graduating with his undergraduate degree in elementary 和 special education, 他和他的妻子回到新濠天地app,这样他就可以在皮尔斯大厅担任住宿主任期间攻读高等教育文学硕士学位. Ehko now works at Geneva as a Student Success Coach in the Student Success Center. 当Ehko在工作时,他喜欢与学生见面,并通过对话和分享经验来指导年轻人. 他对人际关系充满热情,并努力尽其所能支持身边的人. 他感谢主赐给他的恩赐,并渴望通过这些热情继续为他服务. 

st和ard-webpage-in-text-image-1.jpg迈克尔R. 卡尼 graduated with a communication degree in 2017, 毕业后在新濠天地app的机构发展办公室短暂工作,并在校友会任职一届. 现任传播系博士生、研究生教研助理 & Rhetorical Studies at Duquesne University. He has published eight scholarly articles, 书中的三章, one essay in conference proceedings, 还有一本合著的书. 他曾获得宾夕法尼亚传播协会和东部传播协会颁发的优秀学生论文奖, the 2022 Article of the Year Award from the Religious Communication Association, 和 a 2023 Centennial Scholarship from the Eastern Communication Association. 他还担任美国管风琴师协会匹兹堡分会的改革团契董事会和项目委员会成员. 

st和ard-webpage-in-text-image-2.jpg利百加米. 洛克, after graduating in 2020 with a degree in Biblical studies, began working full-time as an Enrollment Counselor at Geneva. While in this role, Rebekah obtained her MBA in 2022 from 新濠天地app大学. After working for two 和 a half years in this position, 她现在的职位是Portage Learning的项目和机构参与副主任, giving her the opportunity to work more broadly in the world of higher education. 她还在十字路口教堂-蔓越莓校区兼职担任网络牧师,在那里她从事事工并投资于她的教会家庭. Rebekah plans to begin her MDiv in 2024. 


挪亚米. 06届贝利,Shaka J. Sydnor '10, MAHE '12, 和 Bryan R. Wolfe '98 received the 校友 Award, given to alumni who have demonstrated faithful service to God 和 neighbor, 仆人式的领导风格, 在他们的职业生涯中取得成就,同时在一个复杂多变的社会中体现了不变的圣经真理的价值观. 

挪亚米. 贝利 didn’t originally plan to attend 新濠天地app大学. He was expecting to go to boot camp, 但是在肩膀受伤之后, he decided to attend the same college as his high school sweetheart. He ended up double-majoring in Christian ministries 和 history, with a minor in philosophy. 从新濠天地app毕业后,贝利获得了改革宗长老会神新濠天地app的神学硕士学位. After seminary, 贝利 和 his wife planted a church in Enid, Oklahoma. The next eight years they helped plant RP churches in Texas, Kansas, Wyoming, 和 Colorado. 当他同意担任马萨诸塞州剑桥第一RP教会的牧师时,他们回到了东北部. When they are not homeschooling their kids, they fill their free time with hobbies like walking, 徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 喝咖啡, cultivating a conversational 社区, 和 reading 和 collecting books. 

st和ard-webpage-in-text-image-3.jpg沙加Sydnor 2010年毕业于新濠天地app,获得传播学学位,是第一代大学生. 毕业后, Sydnor于2012年在新濠天地app获得高等教育硕士学位,同时担任多元文化学生服务的研究生助理. 毕业后,他在北卡罗来纳大学阿什维尔分校担任社区主任.  然后, 他决定和妻子一起经营一个名为“基石”的过渡性生活项目, which served women who were survivors of assault, giving them a safe place to live 和 regain their footing. 后的基石, Sydnor曾在辛辛那提大学担任宿舍主任和地区协调员. 然后他搬回弗吉尼亚的家,在弗吉尼亚大学担任学生事务助理院长. 目前, 他目前担任弗吉尼亚理工大学学生事务副主任和学生事务主任. 

Dr. 布莱恩·沃尔夫 graduated from 新濠天地app大学 in 1998 with a degree in student ministries. 毕业后, 在进入教育界之前,他参与了六年以教会为基础的学生事工. 布莱恩在职业道路上的改变使他在三一国际大学攻读硕士学位, followed by a doctorate in educational leadership from Gr和 Canyon University. Bryan has served as Dean of Students at Westminster Christian (Miami, FL), High School Principal at Trinity Christian (Honolulu, HI), 最近, Head of School at Winston-Salem Christian School (Winston-Salem, NC)在过去的十年. 最明显的是, 布莱恩带领WSCS从一所教会学校转变为一所独立的基督教学校,服务于全球六大洲和22个国家. WSCS的成长和发展已经影响了温斯顿-塞勒姆当地社区的祝福.  

Distinguished Service Award Recipients 

最后, 杰出服务奖每年颁发给新濠天地app新濠天地app的校友,以表彰他们为超越自我的服务, who embody the principles for which 新濠天地app大学 st和s, 和 whose efforts on behalf of the college, 社区, 和 the nation have been exemplary. This year, it was awarded to 马克·W. Fiscus '77, Walter Mueller III, Ed.D. 1978年,罗伯特·E. 肖85. 

st和ard-webpage-in-text-image-4.jpg马克·W. Fiscus 1977年毕业于新濠天地app,获得了初等教育学位和宾夕法尼亚州的教学证书. 毕业后, Mark started his 职业生涯 at Middletown Christian School as a teacher. 1989年,马克在美国国立路易斯大学(National Louis University)获得教育领导硕士学位. 毕业后, 他在建筑行业工作,直到他获得了宾夕法尼亚州的教师证书和宾夕法尼亚州的校长证书. 目前,马克34岁th year as a middle school coordinator 和 teacher at West Fallowfield Christian School. 马克教过许多科目,带领成千上万的年轻人走在主的道路上. Mark’s life has been full of leading camps, 指导多种运动, leading young men in Christian Service Brigade, coaching championship Envirothon teams, 指导青年教师, 带领宣教旅行. 他是美国长老会的按立长老,也是静水长老会的成员.   

st和ard-webpage-in-text-image-5.jpgWalter Mueller III, ’78, EdD 主修社会学. 毕业后, Walt worked with the Coalition for Christian Outreach, doing campus 和 youth ministry. 他毕业于Gordon-Conwell神新濠天地app,并在Supplee Presbyterian教堂担任青年牧师. He then felt called to launch the ministry of The Center for Parent/Youth Underst和ing, 一个组织,致力于装备父母和青年工作者,努力培养孩子成为一生的基督徒门徒. He has written ten books on youth culture 和 ministry, hosts the 今日青年文化青年文化事务 播客, writes for periodicals 和 journals, has been interviewed on major news outlets, speaks regularly at conferences, 和 has taught youth culture classes at a number of institutions. He currently serves on the faculty of The Coalition for Youth Ministry Excellence in Canada, 和 the Doctor of Ministry faculty at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.  

罗伯特E. 肖 graduated in 1985 with a double major in business administration 和 economics. 毕业后, he went to work for RR Donnelley & Sons, the largest commercial printer in North America. He started in regional sales 和 15 years later was the Sr. Vice President of a Business Unit. He then made a 职业生涯 change to technology in Silicon Valley, becoming the CEO of a start-up in the IT network visibility 和 security market. 肖’s company was successfully acquired, 和 he remains an investor 和 Board Member for many start-ups. 肖和他结婚35年的妻子Deb是Champion the Challenges Organization的联合创始人. 他们的非营利基金会致力于帮助中风幸存者及其家人获得所有尖端技术和服务, 像黛比, 从中风中幸存下来. 肖 believes that Geneva helped him get on the right path 和 think broadly.   

这九个都是虔诚的, motivated people have exemplified 新濠天地app大学 和 its values to the world abroad. 他们以各种各样的方式勤奋地侍奉上帝,这是新濠天地app希望所有学生都能做到的. 他们通过努力工作和奉献赢得了这些奖项的认可. 


——anna Eshelman(24岁



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